Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Art of Pyrography

I remember the hazy sun

How it filtered through the

Thrift store curtains

The billows of incense smoke

Held by freshly stained wood

That swirled through the rooms

Of laughter




The sun would catch you

At just the right moment

All your stress and worry


With the music

That always welcomed you home

Your gauzy skirt

With rainbow metallic threads

Caught the light 

As you danced around the room 

Forgetting your long

Nights of working doubles

Just to barely get by

The two children

That were always hungry 

And begging for your attention

Would stop in their tracks

And watch you in awe

Stunned by your beauty 

But most importantly

Your freedom.

Sunday, November 22, 2020


I gathered pine needles

Under the new moon

Boiling them to 

Cleanse every 

Threshold I cross

I eat oranges and

Dream of sunshine

Aspiring to be more

Like my houseplants

Who have mastered

Basking in just

The right amount 

Of light 

Before the darkness

Creeps in

Lush in chlorophyll

Absorbing all the 

Minerals and water

I bestow upon them

I anoint my knees

With rose oil

Kissing each one

Whilst thanking

Them for saving me

I marvel 

At how my body




And no longer 

Shrinks and cowers

In existence 

If love is a red door

Then I want in

For the protection 

It brings and

The message

It sends...

💫Amber Comber

#words #healing #poetry #plantsmakepeoplehappy #sunshine #home #greenwitch

Tuesday, September 8, 2020



These legs 

Have crawled

Trained in ballet 

To learn to walk

Without falling

Worn braces

To correct 

My pigeon-toed feet

(That I still choose

As my comfort stance)

Grew too fast 

Leaving me

Awkward as a child but

Balanced as a woman

They danced in clubs till 4AM

Wrapped around lovers

Swam in oceans

Climbed mountains

Waited on tables

Roller skated till dawn 

Cycled thousands of miles 

Awoken me at 3AM

Writhing with spasms

Through two

Nine month


Have carried 

My children

Upon hips

That always 

Need adjusting

They have allowed me to shimmy

Until my soul was content

Helped me run my first

And last 5k

(Because I hate running)

Have been 






Love and hate equally


Restless and ready

For the adventure 

That lies ahead.

💫Amber Comber

Sunday, September 6, 2020



I have entangled you 

In every fiber

With a searing fire

That needs release

I can't control

The flush of my skin

The primal cries

That escape from me

You ignite the fire in me 

The moon is full

My morals are low

Pour me some gin

We have some 

Places to go

In the shadows 

The flames grow

Liberate us 

From all that is dull

You ignite the fire in me

Talk about the 

second coming

If this is it

Than I am running 

Straight back into 

Your arms again

You ignite the fire in me...

💫Amber Comber

#poetry #poetrycommunity #songlyrics #seahatch #writing #sunset #reflection #fire #music #sunsetphotography #fireinthesky

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Treasure Hunt

Reminding myself
To relish
In the moments that
Make me happy
Don’t reflect
Or foresee
Just be
In that moment
Fully aware &
💫Amber Comber

Sunday, May 17, 2020


When you become
Beyond depleted
Make Cuban Style
Black beans and rice
Because they remind you
Of Lisa
Of Florida
Of home
Dig in the dirt
Surrounding your garden
With railroad treasures
And wait patiently
For it to bloom
Plant Marigolds
Bright as sunlight
In honor of your
First child
Born in October
How tiny he was
In your arms
As Richie Havens’
Voice swept
Through the theatre
With salvation and purpose
You wept at
“Here Comes the Sun”
And baptized him
With your tears
How music heals
And how you will
Find your way home
No matter
How lost you become.
💫Amber Comber

May Moon

The evening
Settles in
Soft and lovely
Sipping scotch
Catching the
On the tip of
My toe
Guarded above
By constellations
Ursa Major
&  Leo
By the dancing
Smoke of sage
And laughing
Whilst losing
Every game
Of dominoes
That we play.
💫Amber Comber

Friday, April 17, 2020

Día de Muertos:

How blue the sky
Was that day
I gathered three
Of my favorite beings
For an adventure

I could feel the sadness
Hovering over me
The only remedy...
Getting lost outside
On winding roads
Instead of inside
My wondering head

The stillness of this frame
The beautiful souls it contains
The contrast of earth and sky
Will always remind me of
How far I have come
And that living should mean
So much more
Than just getting by.
~Amber Comber
#writing #healing #poetry #blue #family #bluesky #november #diademuertos #cemetery #writingtherapy

Monday, February 3, 2020

Orange Blossom Honey

You smell like home
Barefoot on the soft
Baptized by rain grass
After thunder
And lightning
Opens the sky
Leaving it
Softer and pinker
Than you’ve ever seen
Light rays that burst
Through the darkness
With purpose and salvation
Sun kissed citrus
Hanging heavy
On the trees
Begging to be plucked
Layers falling freely
Juice dripping from
Teeth and
Your mouth
Attracting honeybees
With every word
You speak...
~Amber Comber