Sunday, April 7, 2024


 Wrapped in wisteria

Wounded by dreams

There are so many

Moments that I wish 

Could be unseen

These spring

Fevered dreams

That keep me 

Awake at night and

Anxiety filled days

That constantly ask

Am I doing

This right?

When the voice

Of reason 


Long ago

And your 


For something 


What it is

You don’t know.

💫Amber Comber

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Flowering Hope

 My ground is covered

With sweet gum balls

My bare feet hate stepping on them and

I know my neighbors wish they were gone


The Goldfinches

Carolina chickadees and

Carolina wrens

Thank me with song

The sun is returning more each day

Chasing the darkness and my blues away

I run to bask in the rays of light


As each gum ball pierces my skin 


As I stumble upon my daffodils 

The harbingers of spring

Drenched and bent like 


In all their golden glory.

💫Amber Comber

Saturday, November 11, 2023



With the sweetness of June still on my lips

Begging and pleading, is that all there is?

July came and left like a fever dream

I can’t even recognize the version that is currently me 

The salt runs down my cheeks

Instead of the ocean that used to cleanse me &

I have never felt so landlocked while being lost at sea.

💫Amber Comber 

#poetrycommunity #poem #poetry #poetrylovers #poetryisnotdead #healing #writeitout #love #greenwitch #ireland



It’s the last days of August 

I’ve been given thunderstorms 

To soothe this Florida soul of mine

Two full moons to harvest intentions

That I have slept on 

For far too long

A train trestle that crosses

The Savannah river

Beckoning me to follow

A suffocating heat 

That takes my breath away

Whilst begging me to stay

As I step into September 

Shaking off the ghosts.

💫Amber Comber

#poetry #poetrycommunity #poem #healing #words



I am ready

Fuck this 


The gnawing 


That rob me

I have left ashes 

In my wake


What no longer

Serves me

To become

The woman

I desire to be

Honing myself

For this reality.

💫Amber Comber

L is for:


Walking the moonlit street

I said to you 

Coming home

Doesn’t hurt like it used to

Confessions in the

Red room of The Saint

How we learned to swallow

Our ghosts

Before they devoured us whole

Knowing we wouldn’t change 

A second

Because it brought us here

And isn’t that 

The beauty in the pain

That we now know


Is so much more than just


💫Amber Comber

#poetry #words #healing #home #writeitout #friendship #love #poem

Saturday, July 1, 2023

You Look Tired



Is a dangerous thing


On gnashed teeth

The let downs hit harder 

Than they used to

As time slips 

Away faster than 

I want to

The distance

Between where I am

And where I’ve been

Takes constant 



My blues and anxiety 

Train daily

In an attempt

To outrun me.

💫Amber Comber

#poetry #poetrycommunity #poem #healing #writeitdown #writeitout