Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sparrow Blue

Some days I feel like Sylvia
Opening the oven door
When Anais walks
Into the kitchen
And reminds me to live
Feel the flush of my skin
When he whispers in my ear
My heartbeat like a drum
Desirous of everything
Cocooned in satin at
The sound of Billie's voice
Tasting the subtle notes
Of the Bordeaux 
As it hits my tongue
Trickles down my throat
Sets fire to my belly
Bicycling down steep hills
As the wind 
With me...
But It's been six days
Since I've seen
Our city's skyline
The tops of the buildings
Swallowed by a thick
Suffocating fog
And I feel I am being
Carried away with it
The sky won't stop
Weeping and the
Atmospheric pressure
Crushes my heart 
A little more each day
It's taking all my strength
To avoid a shallow life
Dive deep within myself
To find the answers
Be filled purpose
And to know 
I cannot save anyone
I can only love them
Including myself...

~Amber C. Smith 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015


Encased in glass with water and shells 
Two seahorses floated beside her bed
The chaos was always heavy in the air
She wanted to be anywhere but here
I would just lay on my stomach
Hypnotized by the two seahorses 
Afraid to see the wildness in her eyes
Making contact was always dangerous
It was smarter to look away
But it was like watching a beautiful storm
That pulls you in while 
That stands in its way.

~Amber C. Smith 2015