Monday, October 30, 2017

Honey Salve

This golden light

Lures me out

In the evening

Gently washing 

The day away

Reminding me 

How letting go

Can be so easy

If I embrace the fall

And trust the path

My tired heart

Has already

Begun to take. 

~Amber Comber

Friday, October 20, 2017

Lost Country Road

Sometimes I take the longer way home

Getting found on dark and winding roads

Whilst getting lost in my head

Soft shoulders always welcome me

When emotion overcomes me

And distant headlights remind me

That I am not alone.

~Amber Comber

Save Yourself

Leaving was the hardest thing I ever did

I know judgement comes so easy 

From my so called family and friends

I beat myself up black and blue

Physically and mentally for years

Numbing my existence with alcohol and pills

I fell twice the winter I decided to save myself 

Right hand attempting to soften the blow 

Of the hard asphalt

I woke up several times last night

Wailing in pain, my shoulder frozen once again

My right arm becomes a useless bunch of frayed nerves 

My fingers forgetting how to grasp anything tangible

The pain creeps up my arm like hot coals

Pinching my shoulder and neck until my head throbs...

In eastern philosophy this is also known as the male side of the body

It's a vivid reminder to me

Of trauma that still needs release.

~Amber Comber (Equinox 2017)


Morning light 


Lost dreams of 

You and me

Smeared red 

With forgotten 


Black coffee 


Last nights 


Blues away

A full moon


All the shadows

You have cast my way

A snapshot in time 

This isn't where 

I thought 

I would be


It feels good


Becoming me.

~Amber Comber

All That’s Missing Is You

Windows open and feeling Fall

I understand about losing it all

I know my dad

Spent days wandering the streets

Ribbons of red falling

from his wrists

Me and my brother miles apart

And an emotional mess

Rehab stints and halfway houses

The late night phone calls 

When the alcohol would speak

Of apologies and missed opportunities

The handwritten letters that I still keep

Confessing regrets and love for me

I don't know which is worse

Worrying if you will survive


Not having to worry anymore...

~Amber Comber

For Grandma Coughlin 

What I remember is

The statue of Mary

The roses

Bursting with color

In full bloom

Begging for bees

To taste their nectar

This was your favorite spot

To sit and meditate 

I remember ovaltine

The comfort 

Of your arms

You had 13 children

And never knew how

To adjust the recipe

After they left home

Me and my brother 

Were no match 

For this feast

You, the woman who

Gave to every soul in need

I remember your house

And how empty it felt 

When you left this earth

I was 12 and never felt

A loss so huge

I remember hearing my mom


At 3 am 

After working doubles

Imagining the crater that you 

Left in her heart

Would never find sutures...

~Amber Comber