The orange sun caresses your skin
Kissing each piece of flesh and
Gently placing it back on your bones
Your smile is beautiful and contagious
It stills my tired thoughts and worried mind
But I know I am just biding time
Until the demons dance again
For the morning comes like a thick and heavy blanket
That leaves me cold and shaking
And sometimes coffee just isn't enough...
Maybe if I turn up the music loud enough
I won't be able to hear the thoughts in my head
I won't think of Jill and how she left this world too early
Leaving just memories for her two beautiful girls
I would be able to control my fears and
Stop these tears from rolling down my cheek
And I would know that this lump is nothing
That these extra tests are just precautionary.......
But my mind keeps racing
And the fragility of it all
Overtakes me.
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