Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Lost and Found

Learning to grow
Where there
Once was a hole
That tore through
All I believed in
So many years
I was lost
Dark and barren 
I am now
Opening windows
Seeking sunshine
For the wildflowers 
Inside me
Laughing at all
That tried to
Destroy me.
~Amber Comber 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Self Destruct

douse myself 
In geranium oil
To keep 
The wolves 
At bay
I curse
The number 3
Which used 
To Symbolize 
Magic to me
My heart 
Is a flash flood
Warning zone
I can't control 
The water 
That overflows 
From my eyes
This love I give
Without restraint
In the end
Will either 
❤️Amber Comber (December 2016)

Thursday, December 1, 2016

New Moon Masquerade

You will rise you will fall
You will survive through it all
Make no apologies...
For what you need to be free
Lose your mask
Before they create another
Society is to blame
Hold fast to one another
Before it all fades away

Break, fucking breakdown
Burn it all to the ground
Rise up from the ash
Silencing all their laughs
Cast your stones
Into the abyss
The weight it's
Just holding
You down
The truth
Is there if you're
Ready to see it
Relinquishing control

There you go again
Strangling the light
Can't you see me
Lost in these dreams
There is a beautiful madness
Inside your eyes
One I would like to touch
And climb inside
I am not frightened
Of your demons
Or the coy way
You avoid the light
That surrounds you.
~Amber Comber (November 2016)

Thursday, November 17, 2016


I have these seven cups

I have been trying to fill

They always leave me feeling

Less than whole or even real

Searching for something

To quiet the voices of doubt

I am often left alone

To hear them shout

Are these just illusions 

To pass the time

Or is this something safe

I can flourish inside.

~Amber Comber (11/11 insomnia)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Easy Heart

I've been collecting
Scraps of wood
Metal objects
Rusted spikes
Barbed wire
Anything to protect 
This heart of mine
That I offer up
Too easily 
For the pummeling
I know...
Constructing this cage
Will never happen 
It has a mind of its own
Untamable and
Ferocious with 

Amber Comber 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

"Pull Yourselves Together Girls"

My Dearest Friend,
I know the time that has passed between us has left us both forever changed, raw in so many ways...
But I also know how strong we both are and I feel like we will make it through anything with more grace, acceptance, and understanding of who we are at our core. Learning to nurture our jagged edges, bruised skin, and weary souls. Eventually being able to revel in the present. Knowing we can't change the past or control the future is probably one of the hardest lessons for me to learn.
I know you said it's true that some days you can't tell if you're limping or dancing and perhaps it's our own hearts that are velveteen rabbits. Worn out...becoming truly alive in the process.

My momma told me that
She has been watching my light dim for years 
She was afraid it would flicker out
She's always told me that I saved her life
I have been trying to save everyone's life 
Since I could fathom 
How deep my heart was
It was time for me to finally break and
Let someone else help carry the weight
Of this heavy heart of mine 

She says I light up like a firecracker
When he comes around 
She's convinced I was a flapper 
At a Paris jazz club 
In my previous life 
She sees that spark again

I am feeling stronger each day 
Hoping the light will radiate from me 
Chasing away all the shadows 
That stand between
Who I used to be 
Who I am becoming...

Amber Comber (July 2016)

Monday, May 23, 2016

Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa was named under a new moon
She was smudged with sage that
Dali and I gathered under the California sun 
I have a twin bed and a lack of belongings
But have never felt like I belonged more
My mind doesn't run circles all night long 
Looking for the best escape route 
The one 
Hurt Myself
No one else
I don't feel like I am breathing underwater
Or that I need to hide my unhappiness
Or failed attempts at trying to be happy 
I can just unfurl and finally trust me...
Amber Comber (May 2016)


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Advice from my Therapist

My therapist said:
"You don't have to leave your anger on my bookshelf over there, it's okay to own it. You have every right to it."

How quickly terms of endearment 
Turn into mean and spiteful 
Pieces of broken promises
Like shattered glass
That I can't wait to spit out
Before I choke on the blood
Before I swallow them
And let them destroy
All the light left within me
Love can be so cruel
Giving you a false sense 
Of security that when it's
Taken away by the selfish 
Hands that gave it to you
You are left shivering and helpless
Begging and groveling for more
Words and memories you shared
Come back in tidal waves
Like multiple stabs to the heart
I sew it up every time
Hoping the sutures hold
Until it's strong enough
To beat on its own
Quivering at the threshold
Betwixt love and hate.

~Amber Comber (April new moon 2016)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Forgotten Rooms

This house used
To smother me
Now I am a ghost
Lost in each room 
I brush against walls
Forgetting they are there
Everything is familiar
Yet foreign to me
What used to comfort me
Keeps me awake at night
When I am conscious 
I immediately play
Tricks on my mind
Telling myself:
Hold your boys
Feel the Sunshine
Go for a Walk
Drown the voices with
Your Headphones
About the death
That happened here.
~Amber Comber

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Turkish Apricots

My morning ritual
Consists of 
Two turkish apricots
And enough black
Coffee to chase
Last night's insomnia
The full moon
Fever to my skin
And my mind
Is as restless
As the wind
That uprooted
The weeping willow
In my backyard 
Longing to feel 
Content in my stillness
I meditate for peace
To wash over me
She never shows 
My bruises are fading
From violet to green
And I don't reach
For the whiskey
As often as I used to
Minute by minute
I breathe through 
Each day
Holding lightly and
Unfurling my fists
To watch the 
Crescent scars 

~Amber Comber 2016


I am not his 
He is not mine 
We connect in the ether 
Time and space 
Have no relevance 
Moral compasses cease to exist
I tell myself to hold on ever so lightly 
For I will never be able to capture air...
~Amber Comber

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


I have fashioned this cage
That surrounds me
Rusted wrought iron
Spires that pierce 
The perfect blue sky
Everything looks beautiful 
From afar
When you can possess 
It without fear
How ugly we have become
Clutching to the past
And fervently trying
To control the outcome 
When staying is killing you
But leaving is a shotgun to the
No one wins in this cruel game
And no one is to blame
I burn inside while
Bruising outside
Wanting to peel 
~Amber Comber 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016


How lost I have become 
In these woods of yours
You, the cowardly wolf
Howling silently 
At a Moon that
You will never 
Have the courage 
To be illuminated by
Ego bruised
Like my thighs
I tried to stay
So soft
So long
But my veneer
Is ready to 
At your feet
Into a million
Sharp pieces
That your feeble
And bloody fingers
Will never 
Be able to piece
Back together again.

Amber Comber 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016


I promise to not open my heart
For every wounded soul 
I promise to not wear my headphones
Whilst walking the train tracks
I promise to get more sleep
I promise to eat better
I promise to take a break 
From the whiskey
When the bottles
Disappear faster than
I can pay for them.

I have been playing house
For years now
Loving everyone but myself
Becoming lonely and numb
To all that surrounds me
Soaking in long hot baths
To remove the pain and doubt
I still come out feeling
Unwashed and unworthy
One day I will remember
All the beauty
I have experienced 
And tears of happiness
Will pour from my eyes.

I have claw mark wounds
Flooding like rivers
Hemorrhaging from inside
When it comes to misery
I have the mind of an elephant 
I can never fucking let go
I know now that I have to
Before it consumes me
Even if I have to burn
It all to begin again.

Amber C. Smith 2016

Crescent? Burn and Destroy? Insert title here...

Soul of metal
Heart of stone
I howl 

destroy x4

Trying to keep
Us sane
Far beyond
This fucking pain

Sacrifice and
No ones right
The sins
Have stained us all

Destroy x's 4

In the darkness 
Of the night
Where No one 
Can hear you fight
I will hold you
Still and tight
Quiet those demons
That claw from inside

The crescent moon
Pulls you in
Burn all you know 
To begin again x2