Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fire Heart (for Suellen)

I see your heart aching
And I want to reach inside
To show you how brilliant
And strong it really is
It beats without you asking
A Rhythm so beautiful
Others want to lay
Upon your chest just to hear
I know what it is like
Holding the world on
Your broken shoulders
Always apologizing for tears
Being strong when you just
Want to shatter and disappear
I have seen your doubt
But I look at your
And wonder why
Your light shines so bright
It can lead lost souls home
Your laughter is so healing
It has washed my wounds
On many occasions
You my beautiful friend
Are worthy
Of all the love you give
This fire in your heart
Care for it
Keep it burning
There are so many of us
Who still need it's warmth.

~Amber C. Smith (Beltane Eve 2013)

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful words. Amber you are so right so many of us lost souls need Suellen . I know that her hugs can change a life, and her laughter is healing to me. Keep writing, you are such a ray of sunshine, I wish that you could feel how awesome you make us all feel. Life without you in it would be no life at all.
