Friday, September 3, 2010

Mc Alpine Trail

Me & Riley have been walking Mc Alpine trail after we drop brother off at TKD. I have looked forward to these walks with Riley, we get to connect on a different level without the older brother dynamic. He is always talkative and spoils me with gifts. Heart shaped leaves, dead butterflies, flowers, but most of all the world seen through his eyes. He loves to chase dragonflies and takes the time to read all the habitat signs with me. We learn about the birds, ducks, trees & flowers that surround us. He shares his day with me and stops to see the sunlight break through the bright green leaves. The trail is long with hills and winding roads and my heart smiles when he reaches for my hand. He will hold my hand most of the way until he runs ahead to chase a dragonfly or race his dog. Today we froze in our tracks as three deer ran across our path; it was amazing to see in this park surrounded by a city. I was glad they let us wander through their forest and I am forever grateful for these cherished memories.


  1. Beautiful photos and words Amber! I love and miss you and the boys and Jason. It is so wonderful that you get to have this special one-on-one time with Riley in such a magical place. I love the McAlpine trail - miss NC so much sometimes. My Hawthorne trail has lots of deer too.

  2. Thanks Jules. We love a miss you all too! October is right around the corner. :)

  3. This is something I need to do with Camille. I feel like she could use this time as well.

  4. I love your beautiful way with words, You really bring us into the story, and you make us feel the emotions.
