Sunday, February 24, 2019

"I learned that hunger is a symptom of adopting bad behavior..."

He loved the smell of me
The way my lips tasted
Like whiskey
He said
I anchored him
Even though
I was lost
At sea...

I pissed you out for weeks
With the alcohol and pills
Does the body
What you’ve
Tried to forget
Lamenting a loss
You didn’t regret?

~Amber Comber

Moon Amour

Untie these knots &
Illuminate my way
Every step
I question
I just want to bask
In the stillness of
Knowing I am exactly
Where I need to be.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Your hand 



My thighs

Getting lost 

In your eyes

Is my favorite 

Place to be

My mind 

Becomes quiet 

Time stands still

And nothing 


More real

We push and pull

Bend and break

Only to create

A more

Beautiful shape 

Tell me it’s worth

Fighting for...

~Amber Comber


It feeds on

My darkness 

Hides in my light


In my ear

In the dead

Of the night

What have you done?

What have you done?

Speak my name &

I’ll cut out your tongue.

~Amber Comber