Saturday, July 2, 2016

"Pull Yourselves Together Girls"

My Dearest Friend,
I know the time that has passed between us has left us both forever changed, raw in so many ways...
But I also know how strong we both are and I feel like we will make it through anything with more grace, acceptance, and understanding of who we are at our core. Learning to nurture our jagged edges, bruised skin, and weary souls. Eventually being able to revel in the present. Knowing we can't change the past or control the future is probably one of the hardest lessons for me to learn.
I know you said it's true that some days you can't tell if you're limping or dancing and perhaps it's our own hearts that are velveteen rabbits. Worn out...becoming truly alive in the process.

My momma told me that
She has been watching my light dim for years 
She was afraid it would flicker out
She's always told me that I saved her life
I have been trying to save everyone's life 
Since I could fathom 
How deep my heart was
It was time for me to finally break and
Let someone else help carry the weight
Of this heavy heart of mine 

She says I light up like a firecracker
When he comes around 
She's convinced I was a flapper 
At a Paris jazz club 
In my previous life 
She sees that spark again

I am feeling stronger each day 
Hoping the light will radiate from me 
Chasing away all the shadows 
That stand between
Who I used to be 
Who I am becoming...

Amber Comber (July 2016)