My therapist said:
"You don't have to leave your anger on my bookshelf over there, it's okay to own it. You have every right to it."
Turn into mean and spiteful
Pieces of broken promises
Like shattered glass
That I can't wait to spit out
Before I choke on the blood
Before I swallow them
And let them destroy
All the light left within me
Love can be so cruel
Giving you a false sense
Of security that when it's
Taken away by the selfish
Hands that gave it to you
You are left shivering and helpless
Begging and groveling for more
Words and memories you shared
Come back in tidal waves
Like multiple stabs to the heart
I sew it up every time
Hoping the sutures hold
Until it's strong enough
To beat on its own
Quivering at the threshold
Betwixt love and hate.
~Amber Comber (April new moon 2016)