I would wake to the sound
Of her screaming his nameKnowing she loved him
Forgetting he was gone
I would try to soothe her
As she shook in my arms
Valium can only numb you
For so long
Leaving a hole and ache
Larger than when it
Entered your bloodstream
I had never seen my grandmother
So lost, alone, and suffering
I traveled 600 miles to comfort her
And didn't know where to begin
Seeing me would make her happy
Until she remembered why I was there
She refused to eat
But made sure I was fed
I brushed her hair
I painted her nails
Strange I know
But when the Titanic
Was sinking
I read somewhere that
Women rushed to the mirror
To apply lipstick
We are always trying
To make things beautiful
Even death
I lost my appetite
To clove cigarettes
Whiskey and insomnia
A stranger in my hometown
I came and left
Like the ghost of him.
~Amber C. Smith (November 2014)