Saturday, November 29, 2014

Orpine Drive

I would wake to the sound
Of her screaming his name
Knowing she loved him
Forgetting he was gone
I would try to soothe her
As she shook in my arms
Valium can only numb you
For so long
Leaving a hole and ache
Larger than when it
Entered your bloodstream 
I had never seen my grandmother
So lost, alone, and suffering
I traveled 600 miles to comfort her
And didn't know where to begin
Seeing me would make her happy
Until she remembered why I was there
She refused to eat
But made sure I was fed
I brushed her hair
I painted her nails
Strange I know
But when the Titanic 
Was sinking 
I read somewhere that
Women rushed to the mirror
To apply lipstick
We are always trying 
To make things beautiful
Even death
I lost my appetite
To clove cigarettes
Whiskey and insomnia 
A stranger in my hometown
I came and left
Like the ghost of him.

~Amber C. Smith (November 2014)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Spun Silk

It's been a cold, dark week
The kind that test your will
And the fight you have left
Winter is not even here yet
I say to myself
Stepping into another 
Hour long bath
Covering myself with blankets
Hiding from the outside world
Books, music, and movies 
Comforting my weary heart 
But today 
It's snowing dandelions
The clouds are spun silk
My legs and feet are 
Bare white porcelain
Under the long forgotten Sun
The wind is restless like my soul
Playfully tugging at my hair
As I sit silently still
Breathing it all in
Reminding myself why I am here
For this moment I am grateful .

~Amber C. Smith (November 2014)