I took my first breath in Saint Anthony's hospital
Four years after you took your last at the same hospital
I became obsessed with you at 13
Reading, living, dreaming of your
Surrounded by chaos
In search of adventure
Burning my candle at both ends
Falling too hard
Loving too deeply
Always trying to escape
The gnawing discontent
Watching my loved ones
Struggle with their demons
While trying to control my own
Was a painful existence
I watched the bottle destroy
Too many people I loved
I fled from this town known as
"God's Waiting Room"
Before it could claim my soul
21 years old crossing the bridge
With tears in my eyes
And a hole tearing through my heart
Coming back home is never easy
And I've been gone too long
It's sad to watch the ones you love
Killing themselves slowly
I visited your old house today on 10th avenue
It felt so lonely
I had the Kerouac special at the Flamingo
6oz of cheap beer and a shot of whiskey
Hoping it would help ease the pain
Funny how that works
Loathing something so much
Yet finding comfort in it
I hope in the end we all truly find peace
I hope in the end we all feel loved
I hope in the end we are released
From all the pain, sadness, and regret
That we numb ourselves from daily.
~Amber Comber